
This week you will see success in your dealings. There will be heavy inflow of income. You will get money and you will reinvest it for future. You will not save that new money. There could be new business dealings in your way. Stuck money or property can be recovered. Any pending court cases can be settled in your favour. You can earn profit through government officials. There could be indirect flow of income as well. Although your family Life will be very good but still you need to pay attention to your kids specially their education. Listen to your spouse, they are your best friends. You can be engaged in religious work and donations.

This week is a good week for any dealings related to land. There can be sale or purchase of new properties. You can get ancestral property as well. In case there is any dispute related to property that can be settled in your favour. But ensure that you do not sign any guarantee papers this week. Your married life will be good. If any bitterness amongst family members is there, it will no more be there. Friends too will bring happiness in your life. There will be marriage proposals for Unmarried people. Pay attention to your mother's health. You may suffer from bone related problems so be careful.

This is a very lucky week for you. There will be sudden growth in your income. You can earn heavy profits through your workers or colleagues. Property sale and purchase is also on the cards. All your credits will be cleared. If you are doing business in partnership, this week will be beneficial to your business. If you are starting any new work, it is good to start in partnership rather alone. Good gain can be there through your spouse and siblings. You can face gastric problems, please consult doctor. You will get blessings from your elders and Gurujee.

This is a week of mixed bag for you. You can be little harsh on words which may harm you. There is change of place - work or home on cards. This is a good time to purchase any new property. Old disputed property cases can be settled. Government or private contracts can bring growth in your business. If you want to change your vehicle - car, bike etc. you can go ahead and buy the new one. If your vehicle needs a repair, that too you can do it. You will have happy and joyful time with your spouse. Children too will listen to you and you can get recognition through them. Be careful about your mother's health. Also you can face knee problems. So be careful while moving.

This week your mind needs rest. You will have to take things little easy as you may have issues in remembering the things and fulfilling your promises. Because of this, strained relations could be there in your family life. Avoid any kind of arguments with your loved ones specially with your mother and spouse. Don't give any false hopes to people around you. You can have dreams filled sleep so you will not be so fresh this week. However, on professional front you might hear some good news. You can have indirect profits through your siblings. Any foreign commitments or contracts can be beneficial for you.

This is a week when your family life can be at edge. You should watch out your words, it may harm you in immediate and long run. Avoid giving or taking any advice instead be quiet and control your emotions. You will have enough courage to face any situations but you need to be calm. Kids will bring good news to you and you will have loving time with them. You can suffer from some hidden illness. Single people can face issues with marriage proposals. If married, you and your spouse can be beneficial for each other's work or profession. You will believe in giving and help people in need.

If you are in a profession where your speech or voice plays the most important role then heavy profits are ahead for you. So Astrologers, singers, teachers, brokers, advocates, agents etc. can have heavy income this week. But you need to take care of your and your spouse's health as it could be downtime health wise. You will enjoy your family life and will fulfil your parent's wishes and dreams. Government officials may get promotions. If in politics, you can get or be in a leadership role.

This week is a good family week for you. Your family will give you all the support and love that you need and you too will take care of them very well. You will have happy time with your spouse and very cordial relations with siblings. If required, they will help you and stand next to you. Children will bring happiness and good name and fame to you. You will have blessings from your elders. There can be change of place - work or home for you. Your association with influential people will be beneficial. You can also get gifts from your foreign connections.

This is a development week for you. New associations in family, friends and business could be there. Old friends may leave you. If you were suspicious or in doubts for any person or situation, it may get confirmed. There could be change of place - work or home. You can fill in shoes of leadership role at work. There can be heavy flow of income or growth in income but at the same time there will be heavy investment as well for the growth. There will be no liquid money but investment. You will engage in religious activities. You will be blessed by God.

This is a week when you will face changes in life. Your business or work will need modifications or changes. You can introduce something new or add on to your work which can be profitable in future. You can sign new domestic or international contracts. There can be change of place - work, home or business or pleasure travel for you. Your travel plans will be successful. You will enjoy luxurious life. Keep your words. If you assure someone to help, do that. Overall good week but be careful about your stomach so avoid junk food or eating outside.

This is a slow week for you. You will be slow in taking decisions as you will be too confused. You will be in doubts about situations and people around you. Having said that you still can foresee growth in your income and business. If in service, you can get promotions. But ensure that you take all decisions very wisely and not in haste. There are happy times ahead with spouse and kids.

This is a progressive week for you. You can plan something new in your life which will be very successful. Foreign trip is there on your cards. You can buy new property or vehicles. It is a good time to start new business or project. You will have very good family life. You will share enjoyable moments with your spouse and kids. Be careful about your health specially bone and skin.
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