Lord Vishnu is one of the Tri-Gods along with Brahma and Shiva. He looks after the life on earth. Lord Vishnu puja protects, give prosperity, knowledge and devotion. He is worshiped for happiness and prosperity in life.
Donation Or Daan
Feed wheat roti to a person in need today.
If you are travelling to East direction, take curd or yogurt before proceeding for travel.
If you are travelling to East direction, take curd or yogurt before proceeding for travel.
Careful Rashi/Zodiac
They need to be attentive today. They should not get into any arguments.
Lucky No.s - 2 and 6
Lucky Colors - White
They need to be attentive today. They should not get into any arguments.
Lucky No.s - 2 and 6
Lucky Colors - White

A very happy day for you. There will be happiness in and around you. You will enjoy the serenity of life. You will spread this happiness around you. Your joyous and lively vibrations will also spread in your work area. Your colleagues, partners, clients all will be looking forward to you to share your happiness. You can be very helpful to them at professional and personal level too. It could be a party time for you.
Purchase of new things/Property/Signing of new contract - Yes

You have to be patient today as things will move for you but at very slow pace. There could be unavoidable delays in everything that you do. At work, your actions can reflect casual aprroach which can make others raise question about your expertise, knowledge or sincerity. It might be that this day is not the best day between you and your partner or boss. Politicians might have to wait for the right time to play their cards. Govt. official's decisions can be delayed.

Happy time for you. You will be at peace and very happy fom inside and thus will spread this happiness around you. Your joyous and lively vibrations will also spread in your work area. Your colleagues, partners, clients all will be looking forward to you to share your happiness. You can be very helpful to them at professional and personal level too. It could be a party time for you.

This is a heavy earning day for you. A very progressive day ahead you. You can earn well and can get rewards and recognition also. Govt. officials can get promotions. Your investments can give you huge profits. The court cases can be settled in your favour. Politicians can get ledership role and can be very successful in it. Be thankful to God for this day.
Purchase of new things/Property/Signing of new contract - Yes

Today you will have too many options and thus too many confusions. You need to take decisions wisely. Measure all pros and cons of the options and choose the best suited ones. If needed, take advice of experts or your elders. But dont follow it blindly. Be careful about your self and your surroundings. You can loose any valuable contract, staff or file today which can disturb you. You can be nervous today.

This is a day of efforts and trials today. You can try out before making any opinions about any work, place, situation or people. Don't give up in any scenario. Today things will move for you but after lots of efforts. You can try out new things. You can have good relation with your partner, You can enter into new partnership today.

This is a very competing day for you. You have to prove yourself in every aspect of life. At work, if you are working on new contract or project, there could be someone else too working on the same and doing better job than you. Be acceptable. Learn from others and this will help you. Your opponents will be active today and you have to compete with others to prove yourself.

Today you should spend your day in God's worship. If you have doubts or fear of situations, places or people they might come true. If you are scared then also don't panic. Try to control your fear and use your inner strength to face the consequences. At work try to be calm and don't argue with your seniors. Face them but don't offend them.

This is a social day for you. A day when you need and give support to people around you. You will fulfil your promises. And if someone gave you the promise they too will stick to their words. At work, your boss will appreciate your work. You will help your subordinates. If in business, you will have good relationship.

Today you should spend your day in God's worship. If you have doubts or fear of situations, places or people they might come true. If you are scared then also don't panic. Try to control your fear and use your inner strength to face the consequences. At work try to be calm and don't argue with your seniors. Face them but don't offend them.

Today is a joyful day for you. You can have best of the times today. Good and nice people can be around you. You can meet your old friends or can make new friends also. This new friendship can last lifelong. Any pending court cases can be resolved in your favour. Politicians can enjoy the limelight. Your spouse or lover will be very understanding and you can enjoy excellent relationship with them.

Today you have to put in lots of efforts to overcome hurdles in life. There could be obstacles in completion of your work. This can be a day when you can emerge as a winner if you use and have faith in yourself and your decision power. At work be careful while doing your job.
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