Political strategy similarity between Donald Trump and Arvind Kejriwal. The recent political and social statement by To Be President of US, Donald Trump reminds me off Arvind Kejriwal political strategy. Both the leaders are master in blaming others without any concrete proof. Both are good in flipping their statement overnight.
They are too good in saying Sorry when they are at back foot. Both of them believe in attacking government institution. Both of them are good in lying to common people. Both came to power by scaring people. Both of them are clever and may go to any level to get their agenda done.
Donald Trump must come out of his election mode and should understand that he should learn to respect government institution or he will have confrontation with his own party member. I foresee that US politics will see turbulent time within 6 months of Donald Trump being the President of US post his decision impact locally and strong global reaction.
Regarding Arvind Kejriwal, he carries third eyes and knows it all.
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