Donald Trump from first day of his campaign kept on saying that he is going to review Iran Nuclear Deal and most probably will quash it.It's well known fact that six big nation took almost 2 years to negotiate with Iran to ensure that they fall in place the way Atomic agencies want.Sanction hit Iran hit the chord and agreed on most of the terms defined by International monitoring firms.
It was a well known fact that Iran also offer huge business opportunity to grab business and many US to European countries multi billion dollars deal from Iran whereas Iran flooded his oil in International oil exchange and kept the check on Oil prices.
Obama administration is well aware that Donald Trump is going to hit Iran accord which will again disrupt oil market followed by 20 to 30% oil price rise. We all know that US companies spend millions of dollars in lobby and force government to get the govt to govt contract by pressuring other government or giving securities.
Just concluded Boeing and Iran deal of around $16 bn will generate 100k plus jobs for any years and also offer hope to other American company to get the business. It seems to me that now Donald Trump election slogan against Iran will go under water and if he decide unilaterally to go for action against Iran then he will face very strong protest from Republican too as none of the congressman or senator will be willing to take the responsibility for the potential multi year job opportunity.Obama administration move literally trumped Donald Trump without any option for him to manuevour.
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