Stock market is a trading platform and require detailed analysis before anyone invest in any companies. One need to check the following before investing in stock market. The earning per share should be high, The price per earning should be low, The companies should be paying high dividend. One should check how much cash company generate.
What is the net cash position of the company. What is the debt on the company. Please do not invest in companies where companies Price per earning is very high. It is very important for investor to understand that they should follow the company product, its competitiveness, market indicators, macro and micro economy of the country and impact of global economical situation.
What is the net cash position of the company. What is the debt on the company. Please do not invest in companies where companies Price per earning is very high. It is very important for investor to understand that they should follow the company product, its competitiveness, market indicators, macro and micro economy of the country and impact of global economical situation.
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